Thoughts From Jo - Volume I Part I
Libraries are fascinating places. They contain books, information, knowledge,
stories, tales. They have endless amounts of words available to the most avid reader. When entering a library,
I have this sense of anticipation. What story will I find today? What new tale will an author weave for me?
Probably a romance, but will it have mystery, intrigue, danger? Will this romance be set today, sixty years ago, one
hundred and fifty years ago? Or, maybe today I'll branch out and pick out a non-fiction book. Something about
Cary Grant, something about travel, something about covered bridges - soooo many choices. Anything that I can come up
with for a subject will likely have a book about it. Why? How can so many books exist in what is really rather
a small amount of space and time? Only God knows the answer to that, and at the same time, God is the answer.
He has given his creation the ability to create. We were made in his image by him. These books and stories and
this information that I've been talking about only exists because God allows it to. It's really rather amazing to think
about. The shelves are as full or as empty as they are because of God. They contain the stories and information
on them because God made it possible. When I pick up a book, I do it because I want to enjoy the words that have been
placed on the pages. I want to know what this author has decided should go into this particular story. I want
to let my imagination have a little adventure. Stories have a tendency to fascinate us. Have you ever noticed
that? I have on many occasions but particularly in church. The pastor giving the sermon will start telling his
congregation a story with enough detail to make sure they are listening, and that's exactly what the congregation does - listen.
How can they not - it's interesting. What happened to Davey after that? That's what every single mind in that
congregation is asking, formulating it's own conclusion. But, really, all the people want to know is the answer.
And most pastors finish the tale but some don't. Are we never to know what happened to Davey after that? I think
it's a built in part of being human. Just like in an old MASH episode. Everybody read this book, only to discover
that the last page was missing. We can't handle that; we can't handle not knowing. That's why some of us so enjoy
reading a good book because the author is going to tell us. She will set before us the beginning, the middle, and (the
most important part) the end. What a comfort! We can walk into any library and find our endings, but isn't so
much more fun when we can take the twisty, windy beginning and middle to get there. I love libraries. They hold
treasures and pleasures.
Thoughts From Jo - Volume I Part III
There are soooooo many books in the world and soooooo little time to read all
of the wonderful treasures that are put in front of us. How do you decide which ones to read and which ones not to read?
And what about books you want to reread (maybe even multiple times)? It is beyond me how you prioritize your reading.
Do you always just read your favorite authors? Or do you venture out and read a new author -> hot off the press?
Sometimes you just have to dive in, especially when a friend makes that all-important, ever-needed recommendation. How
can you resist the power of such a compelling review?
QUESTION: How do you make time in your day to read?
Thoughts From Jo - Volume I Part IV
Have you ever stood in the library and just been overwhelmed by the number of books surrounding you? It is daunting
to think about where to begin your journey into these pages full of words, phrases, stories. I think the best place
to begin is by not worrying that you'll never be able to read everything you want to. That won't help matters.
Just pick a book and read. Find a friend, or 3, or 5 and start reading something together. That's right - form
a book club! That's what I want to do. Anyone who is interested in joining me on this journey, please let me know.
I want to set a reading schedule because sometimes it's much more fun when you talk about your latest reading adventure with
someone else. So the journey shall begin! My first book for this adventure is: Moonlight
on the Millpond by Lori Wick. This book was chosen by my very good friend, Mandy, who currently lives
and teaches in Alaska. If you would like to join the reading fun, please email me at and let me know. Then I can get back to you with the necessary info. I am sooooooooo excited
about this new prospect. Please consider joining me in this new journey of fun, reading, and fellowship!!!
Thoughts From Jo - Volume I Part V
Wow! The first Book Sparks Book Club discussion took place on Thursday, November
10. It was great fun! There were 4 of us there, and we had a good discussion about A Bride Most Begrudging and
lots of fun. Everybody had a different perspective on the book, which made the talk both richer and more interesting.
I am looking forward to our next discussion on December 8. We will be discussing a Christmas book titled, The Judge
Who Stole Christmas, by Randy Singer. I am looking forward to this time of book discussion and fellowship with
my friends. It is just such a great thing to discuss a book with your friends and hear what they all have
to stay. Thanks to the 3 ladies who joined me at Caribou on Thursday!! Next month should be great too!!!
Thoughts From Jo - Volume II Part I
My thoughts this time run along the lines of movies. I recently went to Chicago to visit my brother
and sister-in-law. We all went to see a movie called Hoodwinked. It was a delightful film about Little
Red Riding Hood and other children's story characters, but they are not presented in a way that I would have expected.
I enjoyed getting to see a new view of cherished characters and some other not-so-cherished characters. The wolf is
not who you'd expect and neither is Red's granny. The movie is funny, engaging, endearing, and a true delight.
I enjoyed the songs, the puns, the pure family fun. Take a friend - small or big - and run to the nearest theater for
Hoodwinked. You'll be glad you did!!
Thoughts From Jo - Volume II Part II
Have you ever wondered what to do with all those books you own that you don't really want anymore because
you will never read them again? Maybe you should consider bringing them to a book exchange. I'm not entirely sure
myself how you find out about a book exchange, but apparently, they happen all over on a regular basis. The idea is
to bring your books with you while others bring theirs with them. Then you all put your books out for everyone to browse
through and pick new ones to return home with. Isn't that neat? I think it is a great idea and a neat way to meet
new people. If you know more about these book exchanges and where one might be taking place, please contact me at with "book exchange" in the subject line. Also, contact me if you would like to participate in or set up a book exchange.
Something to ponder!
Thoughts From Jo - Volume II Part III
It has been over six months since I've given you any thoughts. I am sorry for this sad lack of communication on
my part. I do want to take this opportunity to say howdy from my new location in Pennsylvania. I have decided
to take a break from libraries and bookstores for a spell. Now please don't get the wrong idea and run out for a thermometer
and a doctor. I'm fine. I just decided that I probably own at least fifty fiction books and several beyond that
that I have never taken the time to read. Guess what? That's right, everybody, it's time for me to forge through
all of those books. I'm sure that Julie will especially appreciate this when I finally read all those great gifts that
she has given me over the last few years. It's time! I will keep you posted about my current reading list under
the "From the Coffee Table" section, as I usually do. Please feel free to submit reviews (Spark Starters); I can certainly
always use more. Also, a landmark has occurred today, I have passed the 40-mark for Spark Starters and plan to pass
the 50-mark in the near future. Please continue to check back on a regular basis and take some time to read my reviews.
I don't think that you will regret taking a few minutes from your day to scout out my reviews. Remember, sometimes we
all need to just step back from the library and the bookstore and take time to read our very own collection. I hope
everyone is well.